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Reliable and accurate translations. Portuguese translator accredited by the British Embassy in Lisbon.

Portuguese Translator and Interpreter


At a glance

My name is Hugo Fernandes and I have a small translation agency in Portugal.

MSc Degree in Translation, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Accredited by the British Embassy in Lisbon

MSc Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency, University of Kassel, Germany

I am also a qualified Interpreter.

Furthermore, I belong to an advisory team that helps clients who are interested in moving to Portugal or doing business here.


The translation of documents is a particularly responsible process that can be entrusted to professionals only. We provide qualitative and reliable services related to the translation and interpreting of confidential issues.

Accurate and reliable

I provide linguistically fluent, technically accurate, and culturally competent translation and interpreting services.


Outstanding quality translation and interpreting services! On-time and on-budget.